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All available trademark databases
Get unlimited trademark screening and sophisticated trademark research tools.
Learn moreGet a full availability report done in minutes with the world’s most powerful trademark similarity algorithm.
Learn moreEasily clear a new image mark globally. Either use the world's best image similarity algorithm or our specialist driven search. Including image common law results.
Learn moreEvery week you get a report, both to your email and online, with all new, confusingly similar marks.
Learn moreMonitor your marks for new and similar domain names in +1.000 TLDs in a weekly report.
Learn moreOur pharmaceutical trademark search includes both all key pharmaceutical sources and the advanced similarity you need to effectively clear a pharma trademark.
Learn moreGet access to the world's largest trademark data repository. API and/or raw data.
Learn moreWe handle technology driven trademark projects and integrations. Get in touch to discuss more.
Learn moreBetter quality, better price, faster and easier
At the core of Markify you find the world's most sophisticated trademark similarity algorithm. Built statistically and with machine learning on hundreds of thousands of actual trademark conflicts (case law).
Finding +99% of all potential conflicts, our algorithm is better than a human because it will not miss a specific search strategy and it can perform thousands of searches every hour.
It took a team of mathematicians, computer scientists and linguists, three years to develop the first version. And now, after ten years the core algorithm is still being updated and refined.
At Markify we are passionate about data - collecting, cleaning, enhancing and presenting the data. We get the data directly from the PTO's or from a known and trusted source.
Our data coverage is today in every aspect on par with the best:
As a principle, we automate everything that can be automated. We get two huge advantages with this approach:
Together with many demanding clients we have analyzed existing work-flows, spotted time thieves and mapped out new, more efficient work-flows. Discuss with us how you can save time and how much.
We are obsessed with what is called user experience (UX). When designing new features or new products, we are not satisfied until we have an intuitive product that is so easy to use that almost no support or additional instructions are needed.
We love to help our clients. Our support is manned with dedicated specialists that will help you from early morning to late at night.
For any comparable product/service, we promise you to have the best price. Why?
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